Title: Operation Babylift: The Lost Children of Vietnam
Genre: Feature Documentary
Format/Runtime: HDV, 72 minutes
Country: U.S./Vietnam
Released: April 2009 (Film Festival World Premiere)

Synopsis: "Operation Babylift" was a $2 million U.S. initiative that airlifted over 2,500 Vietnamese orphans out of a war-torn country to protect them from the impending threat of the Communist Regime. Coined by some as "one of the most humanitarian efforts in history," it was also plagued by lawsuits and political turmoil. Even with the best intentions, these adoptees grew up facing a unique set of challenges in America, including prejudice overshadowed by a controversial war and cultural identity crisis. Nearly 35 years later, this award-winning documentary takes a candid look at a significant, yet untold event as seen through the eyes of the volunteers, parents, and organizations directly involved, showing a contemporary look at Babylift and its relevance to international adoption today through the eyes of the adoptees themselves. Through honest and emotional testimonials, it uncovers the "lost" stories of the adoptees and who they have become as adults, revealing their compelling struggles and triumps, and giving them an opportunity to share their journey from their own perspective and make peace with their controversial past.

The movie features compelling and insightful interviews from a cross-section of adoptees and Babylift volunteers. Music is from emerging Asian American artists, including Jared Rehberg and Thomas' Apartment.

Robert "Bert" Ballard and his wife Sarah, Dan Bischoff, Chris and Kelly Brownlee, Tim Buchanan, Tiffany Goodson, Jane Hopkins, Lyly Koenig, Tara Leaman, Jennifer Noone, Khanh Oehlke, Canh Oxelson, Jared Rehberg, Mark Slavik, DC Wolfe, Lucas Young and Jim Zimmerly.

Cherie Clark, Susan McDonald, Mary Nelle Gage, Cheryl Markson, Ross Meador, Lana Noone, Betty Tisdale and LeAnn Thieman.

Production Company: ATG Against The Grain Productions, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit production company whose mission is to produce films and media that educate and promote awareness and unity of Asian American culture and identity while raising funds for non-profit organizations that focus on adoption, international orphanages, and Asian American cultural awareness and education.